Review Article

Potential Role of Exosomes in Mending a Broken Heart: Nanoshuttles Propelling Future Clinical Therapeutics Forward

Table 3

Comparison of stem cell therapy versus exosomes (cell-free) therapy. Exosomes have several advantages over stem cell transplantation; however, they also have disadvantages for therapeutic applications, which have been outlined in this table.


Cell therapy
  Potential for multilineage differentiation[48]
  iPSCs—potential for autologous transplantation[4]
  Inconsistent clinical trial results[114118]
  Low engraftment[6, 7]
  Low direct regeneration[8]
  Risk of formation of benign teratoma[100, 104]
  Fear of tumorigenicity—must pass preclinical in vivo tumorigenicity testing to receive FDA approval[101103, 105]
  Immunogenicity—rejection of allogenic transplants[109]

Exosomes (cell-free) therapy
  Provides active molecules to target cells—mRNA, miRNA, protein[2325, 36]
  Contents can be modified via source cell manipulation or external means[119]
  Very low immunogenicity[99, 110]
  Laborious and inefficient isolation methods[119, 120]
  Short-term use only, do not regenerate[14116]

iPSCs: induced pluripotent stem cells.