Research Article

Kindlin-2 Modulates the Survival, Differentiation, and Migration of Induced Pluripotent Cell-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Figure 5

Kindlin-2 boosts iPSC-MSCs adhesion to slides coated with VCAM-1 + SDF1α. The iPSC-MSCs transfected with Kindlin-2 Flag and shRNA adhered to the flow chamber slide coated with VCAM-1/SDF-1α under shear stress. Kindlin-2 Flag transfected iPSC-MSCs had significantly higher attachment to the slides cocoated with VCAM-1 + SDF-1α under shear flow velocities of 0, 2, and 5 dynes/cm2 with 10x magnification compared to control Flag. The values shown are mean ± SEM of three independent experiments. difference against Flag control .