Research Article

Normal versus Pathological Cardiac Fibroblast-Derived Extracellular Matrix Differentially Modulates Cardiosphere-Derived Cell Paracrine Properties and Commitment

Figure 1

Relative gene expression levels of CDCs grown on normal (CG-N) and pathological cardiogel (CG-P). Bar graphs showing gene expression change in a panel of cardiac differentiation and commitment (a) and mesenchymal (b) genes. Both CG-N and CG-P CDCs displayed significantly higher expression levels of the cardiac-specific genes NKX2-5 and CX43 (a) compared to CDCs grown on fibronectin used as the control. Only CTNNB (beta catenin) and VIM (b) were significantly upregulated in CG-N and CG-P CDCs, respectively, compared to the control (). CG-N: normal cardiogel; CG-P: pathological cardiogel; ACTC1: cardiac muscle actin alpha; TTN: titin. , .