Research Article

WDR62 Regulates Early Neural and Glial Progenitor Specification of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Figure 1

Expression of WDR62 in hPSC-derived neural progenitors. (a) Schematic diagram outlining neural induction protocol for deriving cortical neuronal progenitors. (b-c) DS neural induction protocol generates neural progenitors expressing early neural progenitor markers SOX2 (b, green) and PAX6 (c, red) and intermediate progenitor marker TBR2 (c, green). DAPI stains of nuclei are also shown. Scale bars = 50 μm. (d-e) hPSC-derived 1-week-old NSPs also express neuronal marker TUJ1 (d, red), proliferative marker KI67 (d, green), and glial marker S100β (e, red). DAPI stains of nuclei are shown in (e). Scale bars = 75 μm. (f) Gene expression analyses of pluripotency marker OCT4; neural progenitor markers SOX2, PAX6, and TBR2; neuronal marker TUJ; glial markers EAAT1 and S100β; and proliferative marker KI67 and WDR62 across several time points of the neural induction protocol, including hPSC, day 7 NI, day 14 NI, and 1-week NSPs (n ≥ 4 independent experiments for each time point, >3 NSPs per experiment). Data presented as means ± S.E.M. one-way ANOVA with a post hoc Bonferroni multiple comparison was used to assess significance for each gene, comparing all pairs of time points. ; ; ; . NI: neural induction; NSPs: neurospheres.