Research Article

Angiogenic Capacity of Dental Pulp Stem Cell Regulated by SDF-1α-CXCR4 Axis

Figure 2

The expression of perivascular markers in DPSCs. The expression of perivascular markers in three different lines of DPSCs was determined by qPCR and FACS analysis. (a) DPSCs expressed NG2, α-SMA, PDGFRβ, and CD146. Arbitrary unit in y-axis represented 2−∆CT × 104. (b) In the results by FACS analysis, DPSCs expressed NG2, PDGFRβ, and CD146. However, the expression of NG2 was subdivided into NG2-positive and NG2-negative populations dependent on the lines of DPSCs. The expression of CD146 was broadly distributed. One of representative pieces of data was shown.