Research Article

Neural Differentiation Is Inhibited through HIF1α/β-Catenin Signaling in Embryoid Bodies

Figure 2

Stabilized HIF1α in EBs prevents neural differentiation. (a, A) Protein levels of neural markers PAX6, BLBP, and TUJ1 detected by western blot in 5-day-old EBs derived from wild-type and Hif1α-deficient ESC. (a, B) Densitometric analysis and quantification (t-test for each marker separately, Hif1α+/+ versus Hif1α−/−; for PAX6, for BLBP, and for TUJ1). (b, A) PAX6, BLBP, and TUJ1 protein levels in 5-day-old EBs (5d) after transfection with empty plasmid (CTR) or plasmid overexpressing mouse Hif1α (HIF1α). (b, B) Densitometric analysis and quantification (one-way ANOVA; for PAX6, for BLBP, and for TUJ1).