Research Article

Location, Isolation, and Identification of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adult Human Sweat Glands

Figure 4

Morphological characteristics and phenotypes of α-SMA positive cells from ahSGs at different passages (400x). (a) Cells at different passages had the same long fusiform shape (i.e., fishes or whirlpool) when they grew to 80% to 90% as observed under an inverted microscope. (b) Expression of α-SMA in the P3 and P9 generations of the cells by immunofluorescence and FCM. (c) Immunophenotypic characterization of MSC-relative markers in the cells by immunofluorescence. (d) FCM showed that the cells were positive for CD29, CD44, CD73, and CD105 with all expression rates up to 95% but negative for CD34, CD45, CK15, and CEA.