Research Article

Influence of Genetically Modified Human Umbilical Cord Blood Mononuclear Cells on the Expression of Schwann Cell Molecular Determinants in Spinal Cord Injury

Figure 2

Immunofluorescence analysis of SCs with antibody against P0 protein in the area of SCI (a–c), SCI hUCB-MCs + Ad5-EGFP (d–i), and SCI hUCB-MCs + Ad5-GDNF + Ad5-VEGF (j–l) groups. P0+ cells were visualized in the DREZ (a, d, j), white matter (b–c, e, k), posttraumatic cavity (f, l), central canal (h), and fissura mediana anterior (g). (i) 3D-immunofluorescence visualization of the protein P0 in the white matter of the spinal cord in the hUCB-MCs + Ad5-EGFP groups on day 30 after SCI. SC are capable of myelinating several axons. Arrows and asterisks indicate P0+ myelin/cells (single cells) and P0+ area (clusters of cells), respectively. Scale bar: 20 μm (a), 10 μm (b, e, g–h, j–k), 5 (d, f, i, l), and 4 μm (c).