Research Article

High Throughput Screening of Additives Using Factorial Design to Promote Survival of Stored Cultured Epithelial Sheets

Table 3

Effect of different additives on the number of live cells after one-week storage.

AdditivesF valuep value prob > FEffect

Adenosine (5 mM)42.31<0.0001
L-Ascorbic acid (50 μg/ml)0.200.6575
Glycerol (1%)16.190.0002+
Antimycin A (20 nM)12.090.0010
L-Ascorbic acid and Glycerol (50 ug/ml and 1%, respectively)10.250.0022+

F value: test for comparing model variance with residual variance; p value prob > F: probability of observed F value if the null hypothesis is true (small value call for rejection of the null hypothesis). Only additives involved in a significant or positive effect on viability are shown. Parentheses indicate tested concentrations of the respective additives. All additives were added to MEM basic storage medium.