Clinical Study

Injection Laryngoplasty Using Autologous Fat Enriched with Adipose-Derived Regenerative Stem Cells: A Safe Therapeutic Option for the Functional Reconstruction of the Glottal Gap after Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis

Table 1

Parameter description.

Parameter numberDescription

2. JitterVariation of period between two consecutive glottal cycles relative to its mean
3. ShimmerVariation of glottal source average between two consecutive glottal cycles relative to its mean
5. NHRRatio between the energy of the turbulent part of the glottal source power spectrum relative to its total energy
35. Body massDynamic component of the inertial part of the vocal fold body (10−3 g)
37. Body stiffnessElastic force distributed in length over the musculus vocalis (10−3 N/m)
38. Body mass unbalanceVariation of parameter 35 between two consecutive glottal cycles relative to its mean
40. Body stiffness unbalanceVariation of parameter 37 between two consecutive glottal cycles relative to its mean
41. Cover massDynamic component of the inertial part of the vocal fold cover (10−3 g)
43. Cover stiffnessElastic force distributed in length over the lamina propria (10−3 N/m)
44. Cover mass unbalanceVariation of parameter 41 between two consecutive glottal cycles relative to its mean
46. Cover stiffness unbalanceVariation of parameter 43 between two consecutive glottal cycles relative to its mean
47. Relative recovery timeTime interval from the maximum flow declination rate to the end of the glottal source quiescent value
50. Relative open timeTime interval from the maximum flow declination rate to the starting point of the open phase
60. Value of contact gapRatio between the air escape during defective contact episodes and air escape during the open phase