Research Article

Notch Signaling Activation Enhances Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Retinal Differentiation

Figure 3

Retinal lineage marker expression in human adipose-derived stem cells after retinal induction treatment. (a) Gene expression analysis of retinal lineage markers: retinal progenitor cells (PAX6 and NES), photoreceptor cells (CRX, NRL, RHO, and RCVRN), and retinal ganglion cells (ATOH7 and TUBB3) ( and compared to the control group). (b) Protein expression analysis of the retinal progenitor cell (PAX6) and photoreceptor marker (RHO) by immunoblotting analysis. GAPDH was used as the housekeeping protein for normalization ( and , compared to Day 0 in PAX6; and , compared to Day 0 in RHO). (c) Immunofluorescence analysis of retinal lineage markers: retinal progenitor cell (PAX6; nucleus), photoreceptor precursor (CRX; nucleus), and retinal ganglion cell (POU4F2; nucleus and TUBB3). DAPI was used as the nucleus counterstain. Scale bar: 50 μm. The bar chats represent the percentage of expression of markers in the control and induction groups ().