Research Article

The Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Compound Silibinin Inhibits Cardiomyogenesis of Embryonic Stem Cells by Interfering with Angiotensin II Signaling

Figure 4

Effects of Ang II and silibinin on the activation of (a) ERK1/2 (), (b) p38 (), and (c) JNK (). 6-Day-old embryoid bodies remained either untreated or were treated with Ang II (1 μM), silibinin (20 μM), or a combination of both. MAPK activation was monitored after 15 min of incubation with Ang II by western blot analysis using phosphospecific antibodies. Shown are representative western blots. The bar charts show the means ± S.D. of () experiments for ERK1/2 and () experiments for p38 and JNK, respectively. , significantly different to the untreated control. , significantly different to the Ang II-treated sample.