Research Article

In Vitro Murine Hematopoiesis Supported by Signaling from a Splenic Stromal Cell Line

Figure 5

The specific effect of Notch inhibition on hematopoiesis in vitro. LT-HSC (LinSca-1+c-Kit+Flt3CD150+) and MPP (LinSca-1+c-Kit+Flt3+CD150) were sorted from murine bone marrow and cultured above 5G3 stroma for a period of 21 days. Cocultures were supplemented twice weekly with DAPT (10 μM in DMSO), a γ-secretase inhibitor. Control cultures received DMSO diluent alone or NIL. Nonadherent cells were collected after 21 days and stained with antibodies specific for CD11b, CD11c, MHC-II, and F4/80 to delineate subsets. (a) Cells were delineated through marker expression as either L-DC (CD11b+CD11c+/−MHC-IIF4/80+) or “progenitors” (CD11bCD11cMHC-IIF4/80). Staining data of one representative experiment shows the production of predominantly L-DC. (b) The proportional representation of L-DC and the absolute number of L-DC produced for three replicate experiments involving separate cell sorts are shown. Data reflect the mean ± SE (). identifies a significant difference () in cell production in DAPT treated cocultures (10 μM) compared with NIL controls, except for % of L-DC which is significantly different from both NIL and diluent controls.