Research Article

Transplantation of Human Urine-Derived Stem Cells Ameliorates Erectile Function and Cavernosal Endothelial Function by Promoting Autophagy of Corpus Cavernosal Endothelial Cells in Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction Rats

Figure 6

USCs improved erectile function and cavernosal endothelial function in diabetic erectile dysfunction (DED) rats. (a) Representative ICP tracing response to the stimulation of cavernous nerve (2 ms, 5 V, 25 Hz, and duration of 60 s) in normal rats and DED rats 4 weeks after intracavernous injection of PBS or USCs. (b) The USC injection increased ICP of DED rats, and (c) the ratio of ICP to MAP was calculated for each group ( per group). (d) Western blot and (e) quantification for western blot revealed that CD31, eNOS, p-eNOS, VEGFRA, and VEGFR2 expressions were all increased in the USC-treated group 4 weeks after cell transplantation ( per group). (f) Immunofluorescent staining confirmed the significantly higher expression of CD31 in cavernous tissue. . ICP: intracavernous pressure; MAP: mean arterial pressure; p-eNOS: phospho-eNOS.