Research Article

Exploring the Most Promising Stem Cell Therapy in Liver Failure: A Systematic Review

Table 2

Controlled studies on stem cells for liver failure [1329].

Ref noStem cell type passage dose,RouteSeverity/other concomitant therapyStudy, P-noMonitoring-outcome measuresOutcome

13T: auto BM-MSC, P3-P4 median =  (120-295 × 106)-, vehicle: saline, vol: 100 mL
C: saline 100 mL-
T: IV in 30 minutes
C: IV- in 30 minutes
Decompensated cirrhosis/(-)RCT

BL-24 h, 1-3-6-12 mo: AE/SE: NE, MELD score, CTP score, liver function (ALB, ALT, AST, TBil, INR), PT, s-Cr, liver volume, survivalAE: NE
12 mo: T: 3/15 died
C: 0/12 died
T vs C: MELD score, CP score, ALB, ALT, AST, INR, liver volume –NS
T and C: no HCC

14T1 = auto BM-MSC-P5
T2 = auto BM-MSC-diff hepatocytes (40% HLC-60% MSC)
T1 = T2 = 1 M/kgBW-1 M/mL–saline-
C = (-)
T1 = T2: IV in 15 minutes-5 drops/minHCV-genotype 4, advanced cirrhosis-CTP-C, /PEG-IFN, RibavarinPhase II trial

BL, mo-3, mo-6:Enc, Jau, Hem/Mel, LL-Ed, Asc, Eryt, Tr, itch, PC, Hb, WBC, PlC, Cr, Alb, SGOT, SGPT, AlP, TBil,DBil, IBil, GGT, AFP, MELD score
Enc, Jau, Hem/Mel, LL-Ed, Asc:
BL: T1 = T2 = C
Mo-3: T1 = T2 < C (, <0.001, 0.005, <0.001, 0.061)
Mo-6: T1 = T2 < C (, <0.001, 0.005, <0.001, 0.008
Alb, PC, Hb: BL: T1 = T2 = C
Mo-3: T1 = T2 > C (P = 0.002, 0.048, 0.002)
Mo-6: T1 = T2 > C (, 0.023, 0.014)
TBil, IBil, MELD score:
BL: T1 = T2 = C
mo-3: T1 = T2 < C (, 0.003, 0.014)
mo-6: T1 = T2 < C (, <0.001, 0.003)

15T: G-CSF (Neupogen, Roche)-300 μg SC –5d+auto BM-MSCs–P0-/kg BW–vehicle: ND, volume: ND
IVEnd-stage liver disease, WHO performance /(-)RCT,

BL-every hour-24 h-1-2-3-4-wk-2-3-4-5-6 mo: SE (fever, immune reaction, USG, Doppler, AFP),ascites, LL edema, s-bil, ALB, PT, PC, INR, ALT, AST, bU, sC, FBG, BGAM, CTP score, pcoll III,SE: (-)
3-6 mo–T: ALB↑, INR↓, PC↑, ALT↓. AST↓, CTPscore↓, pcoll III↓
0/20 died
C: no improvement, 5/20 died

16T = auto BM-MSCs – P3, 106 cells/mL-in 10 mL normal saline
C = (-)
To hepatic arter–over 20-30 minutes.Post hepatitis B liver failure/SMT1Matched

BL-short term (wk 1-2-3-4): AE, complication, S-RS, HoS, ALT, ALB, Tbil, PT, MELD score
Long term (wk4- 48): ALT, ALB, Tbil, PT, MELD score
Long term prognosis (wk 4 until-wk 192, every 12 wk): HCC incidence, survival/mortality rates
Adverse event (-)
Wk 2-24: ALB↑ T > C, Wk2-12: Tbil ↓ T > C, wk 3-12: PT ↓ T > C, wk 3-36: MELD score ↓ T > C
Mean HoS: T ≈ C
wk 192: HCC, mortality T ≈ C

17T = auto BM-MSC, P4-P5, , in 10 mL plasma solution A
T1 = one time (1mo after aspiration)
T2 = 2 times (1mo, 2 mo after aspiration), 2mo cryo at P1
To hepatic arteryAlcoholic cirrhosis, CTP score B-C/alcohol abstinence 6 mo before till mo12RCT

BL, every wk➔wk 52: AE
BL-mo3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12: liver function: AST, ALT, Alb, Bil, ALP, GGT, BUN, Cr, INR, AFP, CEA, PT, BG, TG, TChol, CTP score, MELD score
BL- mo6: fibrosis
AE: T2: fever 1/19
Other AE: T1 = T2 = C
6mo-fibrosis reduction: , , C = none
CTP score: baseline➔mo12 T1:

18T: auto BM-MSC-P3 from 130-150 mL BM, dose: , in 20 mL normal saline–C: (-)Infused into liver 1 mL/min
Via hepatic artery (Seldinger technique)
Hepatitis B liver cirrhosis/antiviral (entecavir 0.5 mg/day)RCT

BL, wk1-2-4-8-12-24: AE, ALT, TBil, Alb, PT, INR, MELD score, HBV DNA, Cr, serum cytokine: TNF-α, TGF-β, IL-6, IL-1, PB-MNC: Th17, Treg cellsAE: T: fever (< 38.5°C) 4/20
Wk1-2-4: TGF-β: T > C
Over time: TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1: T < C
Wk1-2-4-8-12-24: ALT, TBil: T < C
wk 2-4-8-12-24: Alb T > C
wk 4-8-12-24: MELD score: T < C
wk 2-4-12: Treg/T17: T > C

19T1 = T2: Vit K 3d before transplant, auto BM-MSC➔ hepatic lineage, (in MSC), in saline, vol = 5 mL,
C: SMT-2
T1 = intrasplenic
T2 = intrahepatic
End-stage liver disease due to HCV, CTP grade C, mg/dl, , /(-)RCT
(16 M) ➔,
(17 M)
BL, wk 2, mo-1-2-4-6:
SE, hematology, s-Alb, s-Bil, liver enz, INR, LL edema, Abd USG (ascites), CTP score, MELD score, fatigue scale, performance status
SE: 24 h-fever –antipyretic (, ), transient shivering
All parameters: T1 vs T2– NSD, hematology, sBil, liver enz, INR: T vs C- NSD, ascites: T↓ vs C↑-SD wk2-mo 1-2-4, LL edema T↓ vs C-SD wk2-mo1-2-4-6, s-Alb: T↑ vs C –SD wk 2-mo-1-2-4-6, MELD, CTP score, fatigue scale: T↓ vs C↑-SD-wk2-mo 1-2-4-6, performance scale T↑ vs C = -SD wk 2-mo1-2-4-6.

20T1 = auto BM-MNC(), , –in 20 mL normal saline+2.5% HSA
T2 = CD133+ cells (, ), , -in 15-20 mL normal saline+2% HSA
C = auto cell-free serum
2x: BL, Mo-3
T1: intraportal
T2: intraportal
C: intraportal
Decompensated cirrhosis waiting for LT, CTP class B or C/(-)RCT
➔ 8
➔ 4
➔ 6
BL, mo-3, mo-6: AE, INR, Bil, AST, ALT, MELD score
mo-12: mortality
AE: (-)
T1: , ()
T2: ,
C: , , ()
Other AE: (-)
mo-3: MLD score- T2↓vs BL (NS, ), INR T2↓vs C↑ (), Bil-C↓vs BL ()
mo-6: Bil-C↓vs BL (P = 0.03), AST – T2↓vs BL(NS, p = 0.06), ALT-T2↓vs BL (p = 0.02)

21T: G-CSF (Neupogen, Roche)-300 μg-daily-SC-5d, auto BM-CD34, CD133-50 M-in100 mL saline-infusion
C: daily SC-distilled water-5d, saline infusion + SMT-ND
Intraportal-ultrasound guidanceEnd-stage liver disease, WHO performance /(-)RCT

BL- every hour-24 h-wk-1-2-3-4-mo2-3-4-5-6: AE, sBil,Alb, PT, PC, INR, ALT, AST, bU, s-Cr,FBG, BGAM, CBC, CTP score, performance score, Asc,Enc, hem, HRS, survivalAE: T: mild pain, discomfort-infusion site, , transient bone .
6 mo: ALT↓–, , AST↓–, , Alb↑-, PC↑-, C = 0/50, Bil↓-,
Asc: disappear , , reduced–,
enc(-): ,
Hem-(-): , C = 23%
CTP imp: T = 48/90, C = 0/50
Died: T = 9/90 (hem = 7, HRS = 2), C = 26/50 (hem = 15, HRS = 5, Enc = 6)

22T = G-CSF (Lenograstim, Sanofi Aventis)10 μg/kg BW–SC-5 d,
BM-MNC (from  mL BM) =/kg, /kg, ,in 80 mL NaCl-75% hu albumin-5% CSL-heparin 10 U/mL-C = (-)
To hepatic artery-in5 minutesDecompensated alcoholic liver disease, /SMT3RCT

BL, wk 4, wk 8, wk 12: AE; plasma TNFα, TNFαR1, IL6, AFP, HGF, TGFβ; blood ethanol level.
BL, wk4: biopsy-Ki67/CK7 HPC
wk 12: MELD score
AE: ,
During G-CSF:
T = 2 (acute variceal bleeding, and aspiration pneumonia)
Died: (acute variceal bleeding, liver failure), (intracranial haemorrhage, sepsis (2), multiple organ failure)
Wk12: MELD score ↓ ≥3–, ( value: 0.43, , –5.4)
Wk12: cytokine: T vs C: NSD

23T = G-CSF 300 g (Neupogen, Roche) SC, daily–5d, LP, expanded PB-CD34 MNC– in physiologic saline (volume: ND)
C = SMT-4
To the portal vein (if hepatopedal flow) or hepatic artery (if hepatofugal flow)Post hepatitis C advanced cirrhosis, WHO performance –/(-)Allocation: atient preference, , BL-mo 1-3-6-12: AE, SE: NE.
Complication, HR- QOL (questionnaire), ascites, survival time, 1y-survival, CBC, AST, ALT, ALP, s-Bil, PC, INR, s-Cr, abdominal USG
Complication: C > T
Mo 1-3-6-12: HR-QOL T > C, ascites grade ↓ (T > C), mean survival time: days, days, 1y-survival: ,

24T = G-CSF (ND) -5-10 μg/kg BW-QD-SC-4d + auto PB CD34SC- 2-, vehicle: ND, volume: ND
C = (-)
To hepatic arteryDecompensated liver cirrhosis, CTP = grade B and C (, )-T vs C -NS
/SMT-5+ HGF IV drip (2 wk)
Controlled study,
(14 M)
(17 M)
BL-4-12-24-36-48 wk: AE, symptoms: fatique, anorexia, abdominal distension, ascites; lab: ALT, AST, TBIL, ALB, PTA; CTP score, liver tumor (USG)
BL-12-24-36-48 wk: ICG-R15
SE: T: mild fever (2/23) -2d - resolved
T: symptom improvement
T: ICG-R15↓
T-C 48 wk: CTP↓ (decrease T > C)
48 wk-AscR: ,
48 wk-AscD: ,
T-C: ALT, AST, TBIL - no change
T-C: ALB↑ (T > C)
T-C: PTA↑ (T > C)

25T: Allo BM-MSCs cryopreserved at P5-P6, thawed-washed, 1-/kgBW––in 50 mL saline +10 mL saline-1x/wk –4wk
C: (-)
IV–infusion –in 30 minutesACLF, MELD score 17 − 30/SMT-6RCT,

BL, immediate after infusion, 1-2-3-4-8-12-24 wk: AE (fever, rash, diarrhea), WBC, Hb, PlC, creatinine, HCC, tumor
ALT, ALB, TBil, INR, MELD score, survival time, liver failure-related complication
Adverse event: fever- , C- 2.4%
Died: T: 15/56, C: 24/54, FDI: , .
Wk-1: ALT, ALB improvement T > C
wk-1, wk-2: MELD score ↓ T> > C
1st 4 wk, entire 24 wk: TBil, MELD score↓ T > C

26T: fresh hu UC MSCs-P4
500.000/kg BW-in saline-volume: ND
3x–4wk interval -
C: saline-equal volume to T
ACLF, MELD score = 24 ± 4 (T), (C)/SMT-7OLPC, PhI/II,
BL-1-2-4-8-12-24-36-48 wk: AE, symptoms: fever, edema, rash, nausea, vomiting; lab: ALT, TBIL, ALB, CHE,PTA,PC; MELD score,
72 wk: SA
SE: T: mild fever (2/24)–self-limiting-12 h
T: ALB↑, PC↑
T-C: CHE↑, PTA↑ (T > C)
T-C: ALT↓ (T = C), TBIL↓ (T < C)
T-C: MELD score↓ (T < C)
T: survival rate↑

27T: hUCMSCs–cryopreserved-P3––in 100 mL normal saline- on day-3 and day-4
C: (-)
IV-slowly–in less than 1 hourDecompensated liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis B/SMT-8RCT

BL- 2-4-8-12-24-36 wk: AE, IL 6, TNF-α,IL10, TGF-β,T4, Treg, T8, B cells, ALT, AST, ALB, TBil,PT,MELD, CTP score, LF, MRAdverse event (-)
2-4 wk: IL-6, TNF-α (T↓ > C), IL-10 (T↑ > C)
2 wk: TGF-β (T↑ > C)
2-4 wk: T4, Treg (T > C), T8, B cell (T < C)
8-12 wk: AST-(T↓↓ > C)
4-8-12-wk: ALB (T↑ > C), TBil(T↓ > C)
2-4-8-12 wk: PT (T↓ > C)
4-8-12-24-36 wk: MELD, CTP score (T↓ > C)
LF: ,
MR: T < C

28T: after 4-7 session PE–fresh UC-MSCs –P3-P4- 2× in 2× 60 mL normal saline
C: (-)
To hepatic artery–in 15 minutesHBVrACLF/
entecavir +PE 2-3x/wk + SMT-9

BL-daily-2-4-8-12-24-48-60-72-84-96 wk: AE: HCC and mortality (24mo survival)
ALB, ALT, AST, TBil, DBil, PT, INR, MELD score, symptoms, SE,
Adverse event: (-) 4wk: ALB, ALT, AST, Tbil, DBil, PT, INR, MELD score–improvement T > C ()
24 wk: ALB, PT, INR improvement T > C (), CSR: T=
54.5%, ()

29C1: FAP/BT 200 mL
C2: FAP/BT 200 mL + PE
T1: UCB 200 mL
T2: UCB 200 mL+ PE
FAP/BT/UCB: 1-3 x/wk, 2-4 wk
PE 1500-3000 mL
1-3 x/wk, total 2-5x
C1: IV
C2: IV
T1: IV
T2: IV
Severe viral hepatitis, severe hepatic dysfunction/(-)RCT
(36 M)
(43 M)
(37 M)
(31 M)
BL-follow-up time not specified:
SE, ALB, ALT, TBil, PTA, CD4, CD8, active T lymphocytes, IL2
SE (not mentioned in method)
SE–rash: , , , fever:
After treatment:
ALB↑, PTA ↑: T2 > T1 > C2 > C1
TBil ↓: T2 > T1 > C2 > C1
CD4↑, active T lymphocytes↑, IL2 ↑: T2 > T1

T = treatment, BM-MSCs = bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, P3 = passage-3, IV = intra venous, G-CSF = granulocyte colony stimulating factor, SC- subcutaneous, d = day/days, BW = body weight, ND = no data, C = control, MNC = mononuclear cells,HSA = human serum albumin,QD = four times a day, PB = peripheral blood,CD34SC = CD34 stem cells, auto = autologous, CT = computed tomography, wk = week/weeks, hu UC MSC = human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, FAP = fresh adult plasma, BT = blood transfusion, PE = plasma exchange, UCB = umbilical cord blood, standard/supportive medical treatment-1 = SMT-1 = reduced glutathione, glycyrrhizin, ademetionine, polyenephosphatidylcholine, alprostadil, HSA, SMT-2 = close monitoring of emergency cases, if necessary: IV fluids, supplement of nutrition, zinc (for appetite), vitamin D (for osteoporosis), regular exercise to maintain muscle mass, management of pruritus, ascites, and portal hypertension, and avoidance of liver metabolized medications. IP = intraportal, BL = baseline, SMT-3 = vitamin B, calorie intake stimulation, alcohol abstinence, 4 wk prednisone 40 mg/day for severe ALD (Maddrey’s score ≥ 32), HLC = hepatocyte like cells,SMT-4 = HSA, fresh plasma, vitamin K, according to patients’ needs,SMT-5 = anti-HBV nucleoside analogue, liver protection, jaundice treatment, diuretic, SMT-6 = nutritional supplementation, HSA-10 g/day until s-Alb = 35 g/L, fresh frozen plasma (200-400 mL/day until INR = <1.5, entecavir (0.5 mg/day), S-adenosylmethionine (1.0 g/day), + treatment of complications, SMT-7 = lamivudine (100 mg daily), patients with ascites: diuretics (40 mg spironolactone +20 mg furosemide) daily, SMT-8= liver protection, liver enzyme activity and jaundice reduction, anti-HBV virus , treatment of complications, SMT-9= infusion of reduced glutathione, glycyrrhizin, ademetionine, polyenephosphatidylcholine, HSA. ACLF = acute on chronic liver failure, MELD = model of end-stage liver disease, SA = survival analysis, CTP = Child-Turcotte-Pugh, NS = no significant difference, HBVr = hepatitis C virus related, LT = liver transplantation, PEG-IFN = PEGylated Interferon α. P-no = participant number, M = male, OLPC = open labelled parallel controlled trial, ph = phase, RCT = randomized controlled trial. ALT = serum alanine aminotransferase, TBIL = total bilirubin, ALB = albumin, CHE = cholinesterase, PTA = prothrombin activity, PlC = platelet count,AST = aspartate aminotransferase, ICG-R15 = indocyanin green retension after 15 minutes, LL = lower limb, s- = serum-, Bil = bilirubin, PT = prothrombin time, PC = prothrombin concentration, INR = International normalized ratio, bU = blood urea, Cr = creatinine, F-BG = fasting - blood glucose, BGAM = blood glucose 2 hours after meal,pcoll III = procollagen III, GGT = gamma glutamyl transferase, DBil = direct bilirubin, SGOT = serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase = AST, SGPT = serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase = ALT, BUN = blood urea nitrogen, WBC = white blood count, NE = not evaluated, Hb = haemoglobin, HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma, LF = liver failure, MR = mortality rate, HR-QOL = health-related quality of life, CBC = complete blood count, ALP = alkaline phosphatase, HoS = hospital stay,S-RS = self-report symptoms (reduced appetite, abdominal distension, fatique),Enc = encephalopathy, Jau = jaundice, Hem/Mel = hematemesis/melena, Ed = edema, Asc = ascites, Eryt = erythema, Tremors=, Itch = itching, IBil = indirect Bil, AFP = α fetoprotein, imp = improvement, HRS = hepatorenal syndrome, HPC = hepatic progenitor cells, CEA = carcinoembryonic antigen, TG = triglycerides, TChol = total cholesterol. AE = cell therapy-related adverse event, SA = survival analysis, SE = side effect, h = hour/hours, AscR = ascites resolved, AcsD = ascites decrease, no = number of-, FDI = fever due to infection–resolved by treatment, CSR = cumulative survival rate, 1y- = 1 year-, NSD = no significant difference, SD = significant difference.