Research Article

Identification of Aberrantly Expressed Genes during Aging in Rat Nucleus Pulposus Cells

Table 2

The top 10 upregulated genes.

Gene namesFold change value

Kininogen 125.062.00117-05
Lipocalin 215.254.43512-05
EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 112.850.000583062
Collagen 14a112.813.332-05
Phospholipase A210.357.85477-05
Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 18.890.000557976
Carboxypeptidase X7.571.60859-05
Complement component 67.485.87991-05
Inhibitor of DNA binding 17.480.000073019

Filter criteria for significant difference gene: , value < 0.05.