Research Article

Prx1-Expressing Progenitor Primary Cilia Mediate Bone Formation in response to Mechanical Loading in Mice

Figure 1

Generation of experimental Prx1CreER-GFP; Kif3afl/fl and control mice. Genotype was confirmed using PCR to detect the Prx1CreER-GFP transgene and Kif3a wild-type and floxed alleles (a). The signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) gene served as a positive control for the PCR reaction. IHC for acetylated α-tubulin was performed to visualize primary cilia (b). Cilium (red, white arrows) incidence and length decreased in Prx1CreER-GFP; Kif3afl/fl primary periosteal cells (green) treated with 4-hydroxytamoxifen (B) compared to controls (A). Nuclei (blue) were stained using DAPI, and micrographs were collected at 100x magnification.