Review Article

Meta-Analysis and Evidence Base for the Efficacy of Autologous Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Knee Cartilage Repair: Methodological Guidelines and Quality Assessment

Table 2

Carriers used for implantationNo. of studiesReferences

Scaffold material used in surgical delivery
Collagen7[24, 25, 27, 51, 52, 55, 56]
Ascorbic acid sheet2[51, 52]
Fibrin glue1[50]
Interconnected porous hydroxyapatite ceramic (IP-CHA)1[41]
Scaffold material used in one-step arthroscopic technique
collagen6[26, 32, 36, 37, 42, 62]
HA membrane1[33]
HA membrane with layer of PRF1[38]
HA membrane with fibrin glue1
HYAFF 11 nonwoven scaffold2[31, 39]
TruFit scaffold1
Suspension used intra-articular injection
Autologous serum1[56]
Autologous platelet-poor bone marrow plasma1[35]
Synesthetic serum1[46]
Ringer’s lactate1[44]