Research Article

Epsins Regulate Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Exit from Pluripotency and Neural Commitment by Controlling Notch Activation

Figure 5

NICD overexpression rescues EPN1 and EPN2 KD phenotype. (a) NICD overexpression in EPN1 and EPN2 KD ESCs can rescue the regular and well-polarized rosette morphology during neuralization. eGFP signal indicates either mock or NICD-transfected cells. (b) Immunofluorescence analyses on mESC-derived NS cells show that NICD overexpression allows the obtainment of expandable undifferentiated EPN1 and EPN2 KD cultures (no or very few GFAP, βIII-tubulin, and MAP 2-positive cells), homogeneously immunopositive for SOX-2, nestin, and PAX6 and with similar proliferation rate (pH 3 expression). For (a, b), biologically independent experiments.