Research Article

Serum-Free Culture of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Aggregates in Suspension Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering Applications

Figure 5

(a) sGAG and (b) sGAG/DNA quantification of digested tissue-like aggregates cultured within the suspension bioreactor conditions and the static well plates. (c) sGAG productivity per total consumed medium. (d) sGAG productivity per input cell number. sGAG quantified using DMMB reaction. DNA quantified using CyQUANT Cell Proliferation Assay Kit. Significance between culture time points (within conditions) is denoted by different alphabetical letters (). Significance between conditions is denoted by the presence of asterisks (, , , and ). (e) Toluidine blue staining of sGAG in day 12 aggregates from the suspension bioreactors inoculated with single cells, the suspension bioreactors inoculated with preformed aggregates, and the preformed aggregates kept in the static microwell plates. .