Research Article

Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Inhibit Endometrial Cancer Cell Proliferation and Migration through Delivery of Exogenous miR-302a

Figure 6

Extracellular vesicle-loaded miR-302a inhibits EC cell proliferation and migration. (a) The expression of miR-302a in ISK and ECC-1 cells after incubation of extracellular vesicle-loaded miR-302a was determined by quantitative RT-PCR analyses (, ). (b) The proliferation capacity of ISK and ECC-1 cells treated with extracellular vesicle-loaded miR-302a was measured by MTS (). (c) The migration capacity of ISK and ECC-1 cells incubated with extracellular vesicles rich in miR-302a was detected using the transwell migration assay. The number of migrated cells was counted, and the data is suggested as the fold change from the control of three independent experiments (, ).