Research Article

Intra-Articular Injection of 2 Different Dosages of Autologous and Allogeneic Bone Marrow- and Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Triggers a Variable Inflammatory Response of the Fetlock Joint on 12 Sound Experimental Horses

Table 1

Fetlock joint effusion grading system.

ScorePhysical criteria

0NormalConcave aspect of the proximopalmar recess of the metacarpo(tarso)phalangeal joint. No lateral swelling when a medial pressure is applied on the recess.
1MildFlat aspect of the proximopalmar recess of the metacarpo(tarso)phalangeal joint. Mild lateral swelling when a medial pressure is applied on the recess.
2ModerateConvex aspect of the proximopalmar recess of the metacarpo(tarso)phalangeal joint. Lateral swelling easy to obtain when a medial pressure is applied on the recess.
3SubstantialConvex aspect of the proximopalmar recess of the metacarpo(tarso)phalangeal joint exceeding the suspensory ligament branches (third interosseous muscle). Soft consistency of the recess on palpation.
4SevereConvex aspect of the proximopalmar recess of the metacarpo(tarso)phalangeal joint exceeding the suspensory ligament branches (third interosseous muscle) with a hard consistency of the recess on palpation indicating synovial pressure. Synovial distension of the dorsal recess of the joint.