Research Article

Intermittent Administration of Parathyroid Hormone Enhances Odonto/Osteogenic Differentiation of Stem Cells from the Apical Papilla via JNK and P38 MAPK Pathways

Figure 5

Effects of cotreatment of PTH and MAPK inhibitors on the odonto/osteogenic differentiation of SCAPs. (a, b) ALP activities and ALP staining in the control group, PTH-treated group, and PTH+SB203580 and PTH+SP600125 groups after 3-day culture. Values are (). (c) The gene expressions of OCN, OPN, OSX, RUNX2, COL-I, and DSPP at day 7 were determined by RT-PCR. Values are (). (d) The protein expressions of OCN, OSX, and RUNX2 in different groups at day 7. (e) Grayscale analysis of the odonto/osteogenic proteins. , . (f–h) Immunofluorescence staining of OCN, OSX, and RUNX2 in PTH-treated SCAPs and MAPK inhibitors, respectively. Scale .