Research Article

Retinoic Acid Signal Negatively Regulates Osteo/Odontogenic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells

Figure 4

Blocking RA signal enhances the bone-like tissue formation and collagen fibril deposits from human DPSCs in vivo. Human DPSCs cultured at the presence or absence of BMS 493 were transplanted subcutaneously into immunodeficient BALB/c nude mice, and the transplants were harvested after 8 weeks. (A, A) HE staining of the transplants exhibits improved bone-like tissue formation by BMS 493 treatment. (C, C) Masson’s trichrome staining exhibits more collagen fibril deposits by BMS 493 treatment. Qualitative measurements are used to evaluate bone-like tissue area (B) and collagen volume fraction (D). Scale bars represent 20 μm (A, A, C, C). All error bars mean the SD (). . B: bone-like tissue; CT: connective tissue; HA: hydroxyapatite/tricalcium carrier.