Review Article

The Achievements and Challenges of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Its Associated Colorectal Cancer

Figure 1

The general effects of MSCs grouped under two major mechanisms: direct cellular differentiation of recruited MSCs (into adipose, bone, cartilage, and muscle tissues) to replace damaged cells, and preparation of the inflammatory environment by MSC-secreted cytokines as they influence the host immune system. IL-6: interleukin-6; PGE2: prostaglandin E2; TGF-β: transforming growth factor-β; IDO: indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase; CCL-2: C-C motive chemokine ligand 2; IL-10: interleukin-10; HGF: hepatocyte growth factor; MMPs: Matrix Metallopeptidases; HLA-Gs: Human Leukocyte Antigen-Gs.