Review Article

Small Molecule Epigenetic Modulators in Pure Chemical Cell Fate Conversion

Figure 2

Mechanisms of small molecule induction. Small molecules targeting signaling pathways control target genes and impact cell fate decision. Small molecules also regulate epigenetic modulators modifying chromatin structure and change the epigenome and cell fate. Some other chemical compounds, such as chemicals regulating signaling activity in metabolism or cytoskeleton dynamics, also affect cell fate decision and are shown in Table 1. CiA: chemical-induced adipocyte; CiBC: chemical-induced beta cell; CiBLPC: chemical-induced bipotent liver progenitor cell; CiCC: chemical-induced cartilaginous cell; CiCM: chemical-induced cardiomyocyte; CiEC: chemical-induced epithelial colony; CiEPC: chemical-induced endodermal progenitor cell; CiLC: chemical-induced Leydig cell; CiN: chemical-induced neuron; CiNPC: chemical-induced neuroprogenitor cell; CiNSC: chemical-induced neural stem cell; CiPSC: chemical-induced pluripotent stem cell; CiSMC: chemical-induced skeletal muscle cell; EPS: extended pluripotent stem cell.