Research Article

Copper Does Not Induce Tenogenic Differentiation but Promotes Migration and Increases Lysyl Oxidase Activity in Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells

Figure 7

The effect of cupric sulfate on copper-dependent enzyme activity in hASCs. (a) The effect of cupric sulfate on superoxide dismutase SOD1 activity. Data presented as ; . (b) The effect of cupric sulfate on hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress damage measured in MTT test. Data presented as . Statistical significance is indicated by letters: there is no significant difference between groups with the same letter (). Analyzed using tests for related groups in comparison to the control H2O2; . (c) The effect of cupric sulfate on lysyl oxidase activity. Data presented as . Analyzed using tests for related groups in comparison to the control (Ctrl); and ; .