Research Article

METTL3-Mediated m6A RNA Modification Regulates Corneal Injury Repair

Figure 1

K14creER/Mettl3fl/fl mice and cornea damage model construction. (a) Corneal and limbus homeostasis, damage, and repair process. (b) K14creER/tdTomato+/+/Mettl3fl/fl mouse crossing strategy. (c) Immunofluorescence of K14creER/Mettl3wt/wt and K14creER/Mettl3fl/fl mouse limbal cells (scale: 100 μm). (d) Two- to three-month-old mice were induced with tamoxifen injection, eyes were subjected to alkali-induced injury by five days of continuous induction, and samples were collected at several time points after injury. (e–g) Corneal epithelium in 2- to 3-month-old mice with alkali burns. (e) Degree of corneal injury with sodium fluorescein staining at different time points. (f) H&E staining of frozen sections of corneal injury at different time points (scale: 100 μm). (g) The corneal injury score was obtained by fluorescein sodium staining.