Research Article

Pluripotency-State-Dependent Role of Dax1 in Embryonic Stem Cells Self-Renewal

Figure 5

The impact of Dax1KO on signaling pathways and transcription networks (modules) in different pluripotency states. (a) A violin plot representing changes in CORE, MYC, and PRC module gene expression in Dax1 KO compared to wild-type mESCs cultured in 2i/LIF and LIF/serum medium. (b) Heatmap showing the geometric values calculated by gene set overlap analysis between gene sets from ChIP-seq and DEGs (Dax1 KO compared to wild-type mESCs cultured in 2i/LIF and LIF/serum). The red cells correspond to upregulated DEGs; blue cells correspond to downregulated DEGs. Color intensity is proportional to log10 ( value).