Research Article

Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis of Human Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells Identifies a Contractile Cell Subpopulation

Figure 1

-SNE plots illustrating the different cluster number permutations and heatmaps illustrating the top DEGs for each cluster. The colored dot clouds on the tSNE plots represent individual clusters. (a) Two clusters were identified at resolution 0.5 while (c) three clusters were identified at resolutions 0.6 and 0.7. (e) Four were identified at resolution 0.8 and (g) resolution 0.9 to 1.2 consistently identified five clusters. For each cluster number permutation, there is a corresponding heatmap illustrating the top DEGs per cluster (two, three, four, and five clusters, respectively). Yellow represents highly expressed genes while purple represents poorly expressed genes.