Research Article

Peptidoglycan-Mediated Bone Marrow Autonomic Neuropathy Impairs Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells via a NOD1-Dependent Pathway in db/db Mice

Figure 4

PGN administration dramatically decreased bone marrow innervation in diabetic db/db mice. (a) Representative images of immunohistochemical staining for tyrosine hydroxylase in femur cross-sections from mice in each group. (b) The number of Try-OH+ nerves was dramatically reduced in the bone marrow of db/db mice treated with PGN compared that in the bone marrow of mice treated with the vehicle control ( per group). (c) Representative images of immunohistochemical staining for NF200 in mouse femurs. (d) PGN further decreased the number of NF200+ nerve fibers in db/db mice ( per group). Data represent . PGN: peptidoglycan; V: vehicle; Try-OH: tyrosine hydroxylase; NF200: neurofilament 200. , .