Research Article

Rcor2 Is Required for Somatic Differentiation and Represses Germline Cell Fate

Figure 3

RNA-Seq analysis reveals enhanced germ cell specific gene expression in Rcor2-/- mESCs. (a) Volcano plot of gene expression changes in Rcor2-/- mESCs compared to WT mESCs. The blue, red, and gray dots indicate genes downregulated, upregulated, and unchanged, respectively ( folds change, ). (b) GO term analysis of biological processes enriched from the upregulated genes in Rcor2-/- mESCs (no biological processes are enriched in downregulated genes). (c) The relationship of the upregulated genes in Rcor2-/- mESCs (black) and the enriched biological processes (red). (d) Heat map of PGC-related upregulated genes in Rcor2-/- mESCs and in WT and Rcor2-/- mESCs, WT mESCs, and E10.5 PGC [13]. (e) The relative expression of Rcor2 in WT mESCs at day 0, day 2, day 6, and day 9 of spontaneous random differentiation. (f) The count per million (cpm) of Rcor2 from exiting RNA-Seq datasets during PGC-like cell (PGCLC) differentiation [14]. (g) The expression of Rcor2 in count per million (cpm) from published RNA-Seq datasets during E10.5 PGC stage to E14.5 PGC stage [13]. (e) Data are expressed as , , , , .