Research Article

Oral Cancer Stem Cell-Derived Small Extracellular Vesicles Promote M2 Macrophage Polarization and Suppress CD4+ T-Cell Activity by Transferring UCA1 and Targeting LAMC2

Figure 2

UCA1 modulates the LAMC2/PI3K/AKT axis in OSCC-CSCs via binding miR-134. (a) Heat map of differentially expressed genes among three normal tissues and eight OSCC tissues in the GSE146483 dataset. (b) Volcano map of differentially expressed genes among three normal tissues and eight OSCC tissues in the GSE146483 dataset. (c) Venn diagram of the intersection between lncRNAs binding miR-134 in the RNAInter database and downregulated lncRNAs in OSCC in GSE146483. (d) The binding sites of UCA1 and miR-134. (e) Dual-luciferase reporter assays detecting the binding relationship between UCA1 and miR-134. (f) The expression of UCA1 in the TCGA dataset, analyzed with the GEPIA database (red represents OSCC tissues, ; black represents normal tissues, ). (g) The correlation between UCA1 and LAMC2 expression in HNSCC samples () from the TCGA dataset according to starBase database analysis. , #. All cell experiments were repeated three times.