Research Article

Intracerebral Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Compounded with Recombinant Peptide Scaffold against Chronic Intracerebral Hemorrhage Model

Figure 6

Human-derived CellSaic for the ICH model in immunodeficient rats and the reversal of efficacy by BDNF neutralization through CellSaic. hCellSaic were transplanted into the hollow cavity of immunodeficient rats. The hCellSaic group showed significant neurological recovery from 2 weeks after transplantation compared with the saline transplanted group (a). hCellSaic group was compared with the anti-BDNF-hCellSaic (BDNF inhibitor added to hCellSaic) group. The anti-BDNF-hCellSaic group with BDNF released from CellSaic was blocked, showing significantly less recovery compared to the normal hCellSaic group after transplantation via two-way analysis of variance. Data are presented as the . # vs. saline group; ## vs. saline group; $ (two-way analysis of variance).