Research Article

Erythropoietin Activates Autophagy to Regulate Apoptosis and Angiogenesis of Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells via the Akt/ERK1/2/BAD Signaling Pathway under Inflammatory Microenvironment

Table 2

Primary antibodies for western blot and immunofluorescence.

Primary antibodySourceDiluted multiple

Anti-BaxAbcam, ab1827331 : 2000
Anti-Bcl2Abcam, ab1828581 : 2000
Anti-VEGF-aAbcam, ab1852381 : 00000
Anti-FGF-2Abcam, ab2086871 : 1000
Anti-IGF-1Abcam, ab1335421 : 1000
Anti-Beclin1Abcam, ab2104981 : 1000
Anti-LC3BAbcam, ab1928901 : 2000
Anti-AktCST, #46911 : 1000
Anti-p-Akt (Ser473)Abcam, ab812831 : 5000
Anti-Erk1/2CST, #46951 : 1000
Anti-p-Erk1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204)CST, #43701 : 2000
Anti-BADCST, #92921 : 1000
Abcam, ab1291921 : 5000
Anti-β-actinCST, #49701 : 1000