Research Article

Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and γ-Secretase Inhibitor Treatments Suppress Amyloid-β25–35-Induced Cognitive Impairment in Rat Dams and Cortical Degeneration in Offspring

Figure 8

Photomicrographs (a) of immunohistochemical study for neonatal cortex using Iba-1 to illustrate the microglial cell reactivity at PND7: (a) saline-injected group, (b) Aβ25–35 group, (c) DMEM group, (d) AD+MSC group, and (e) AD+GSI. Scale bar 100 μm (10x). Photomicrographs (b) of immunohistochemical study for the neonatal cortex using Iba-1 to illustrate the microglial cell reactivity at PND7: (f) saline-injected group, (g) Aβ25–35 group, (h) DMEM group, (i) AD+MSC group, and (j) AD+GSI. Scale bar 10 μm (100x). Arrows refer to the cell soma size; arrowheads refer to the length, thickness, and number of dendrites.