Research Article

hucMSC-Ex Alleviates IBD-Associated Intestinal Fibrosis by Inhibiting ERK Phosphorylation in Intestinal Fibroblasts

Figure 6

hucMSC-Ex inhibits the expression of fibrosis-related molecules by inhibiting ERK phosphorylation. (a) Western blot analysis of ERK expression in DSS-induced IBD-associated fibrosis in mice. (b) Grayscale scanning of (a), . (c) Western blot analysis of ERK expression in human intestinal fibroblasts CCD-18Co after treatment with TGF-β or hucMSC-Ex for 48 hours. (d) Grayscale scanning of (c), . (e) The expressions of t-ERK and p-ERK. (f) Grayscale scanning of (e), . (g) The expressions of α-SMA, collagen I, and fibronectin. (h) Grayscale scanning of (g), and .