Research Article

Establishment of Epithelial Inflammatory Injury Model Using Intestinal Organoid Cultures

Table 1

Epithelial tight junction changes in intestinal inflammation.

Tight junctionFunctionExpression in TNF-α-10 treatmentDSS-induced colitisTNBS-induced colitisExpression in CDExpression in UC

mRNAOclnTranslated into Ocln protein↓ [43]↓ [40]↓ [41]↓ [41]
Cldn1Translated into Cldn1 protein↔ [43]↔ [40]↓ [41]
Active1 ↔ [42]
Inactive2↔ [42]
↓ [41]
Active ↔ [42]
Inactive ↔ [42]

ProteinOclnBinds ZO-1, regulates paracellular permeability, function in cellular adhesion [44]↓ [43]
↓ [45]
↓ [46]↓ [47]
↓ [41]
↓ [41]
Cldn1Tightens the epithelium able to initiate formation of TJ trends [44]↓ [43]
↑ [45]
↓ [46]↓ [41]
Active ↔ [47]
↓ [41]

1Active represents the sample from the active stage of disease; 2inactive represents the sample from the inactive stage of disease. ↓: decrease; ↑: increase; ↔: no change; CD: Crohn’s disease; UC: ulcerative colitis; Ocln: occludin; Cldn1: claudin-1.