Research Article

MAGEB2-Mediated Degradation of EGR1 Regulates the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Human Spermatogonial Stem Cell Lines

Figure 1

Integrative analysis of human testicular single-cell transcriptional profiles. (a) UMAP clustering and visualization of testicular single-cell RNA expression data. All testicular cells were classified into 12 clusters, of which each point representing an individual cell, and colored according to the type described in the figure legend. (b) Reclustering and visualization of SSC cluster using UMAP. SSCs were categorized into 3 states, states 1, 2, and 3, with each dot representing an individual SSC and colored according to the type described in the figure legend. (c) The developmental trajectory of the SSC population established by pseudotime analysis. Each dot represents an individual SSC, the black curve represents the developmental trajectory of the SSC, and the character 1 represents the developmental starting point. The green color represents the early stage of development, while the red color represents the late stage of development, and all cells are colored according to their developmental status. (d) GO analysis (biological process) of the top 50 DEGs in three different states of SSCs. (e) The expression of the top 10 DEGs in SSC along the developmental trajectory. Each point represents an individual SSC, and the black curve is the mean value of the selected gene at the specified pseudotime. (f) Distribution of SSC top10 DEGs in all testicular cells visualized through violin plot. The plot orientation is set to horizontal. Its horizontal length represents the expression intensity of a specific gene, and the vertical width of a violin plot is proportional to the density of the distribution. UMAP: uniform manifold approximation and projection; GO: Gene Ontology; DEGs: differentially expressed genes.