Research Article

Characterization of Primary Cilia Formation in Human ESC-Derived Retinal Organoids

Figure 4

AP2α-positive amacrine cells stably express primary cilia in hESC-derived retinal organoids. (a) Confocal images of retinal organoid sections (from day 44 to day 176) costained with AP2α (in green) and Arl13b (in red). (b, c) Quantification of ciliation and ciliary length of AP2α-positive amacrine cells during retinal organoid development. (d) Representative images of retinal organoid sections costained with GAD67 (green), AP2α (in gray, not shown), and Arl13b (red). (e) Representative confocal images of retinal organoids immunostained for calretinin (green), AP2α (in gray, not shown), and Arl13b (red). (f, g) Quantification of ciliation of GAD67-positive (f) and calretinin-positive (g) amacrine cells. Nuclei are visualized by staining with DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 10 μm; magnified, 1 μm.