Research Article

Construction of an Excellent 7 mRNAsi-Related Gene Model Based on Cancer Stem Cells for Predicting Survival Outcome of Cervical Cancer

Figure 10

Characteristics of immune infiltration/pathways between the RiskScore groups. (a) fgsea algorithm was performed with all KEGG gene sets in different RiskScore groups. (b) Correlation analysis between RiskScore and mRNAsi. (c) StromalScore in the high- and low-risk groups and boxplots of ImmuneScore and ESTIMATEScore. (d) Boxplots of the infiltration abundance of 22 immune cells. (e) RiskScore and correlation between the infiltration abundance of 22 immune cells. (f) RiskScore and 29 TME signature ssGSEA. (g) Correlation between RiskScore and cancer-related pathway activity score.