Clinical Study

Unprotected Left Main Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndromes with Extracorporeal Life Support Backup

Table 3

Procedural complications.

No complications8 (50.0%)
Any complications8 (50.0%)
 Any major complication5 (31.3%)
 Any minor complication3 (18.8%)
Access site bleeding requiring transfusion4 (25.0%)
Access site complication requiring surgery3 (18.8%)
Paradox reaction on sedation1 (6.3%)
Thromboembolic or ischemic events0 (0.0%)
Death0 (0.0%)

Table showing procedural complications encountered in patients undergoing LMCA PCI with ECLS backup. Major complications were defined as complications requiring any further medical attention or checkups including laboratory tests.