Research Article

Origin of Serum Affects Quality of Engineered Tissues Produced by the Self-Assembly Approach

Figure 5

FCS gave thicker engineered stroma from healthy and psoriatic fibroblasts than BGS. (a) Masson’s trichrome staining of tissues produced using human Fb and KC. D is for dermis (stromal) part, LE for living epidermis (epithelium), and SC for stratum corneum. Scale bars are as indicated. In (b) and (c), black bars are for skin substitutes reconstructed using FCS2 serum and hatched bars are for skin substitutes reconstructed using BGS2. H#1 and #2 are for tissues reconstructed using fibroblasts and keratinocytes from healthy donors 1 and 2. P#1 and #2 are for tissues reconstructed using fibroblasts and keratinocytes from donors suffering of psoriasis. (b) Stromal thickness measurement using ImageJ software ( donors, tissues, and measurements). Red lines and asterisks are for comparison between stromal thickness values of tissues reconstructed with FCS2 or BGS2. Asterisks indicate statistically significant difference (i.e., ). (c) Epithelial thickness measurement using ImageJ software ( donors, tissues, and measurements). Blue lines are for comparison between epithelial thickness values of tissues reconstructed with FCS2 or BGS2.