Clinical Study

Acupuncture Anxiolytic Effects on Physiological and Psychological Assessments for a Clinical Trial

Table 3

Competitive state anxiety for athletes in pre- and postintervention.

Anxiety subscales GroupPretestPosttest

Cognitive anxiety Group 1, acupuncture 21.5 (5.3)15.9 (4.8)
Group 2, sham22.1 (5.4)19.6 (5.8)
Group 3, control21.9 (4.9)21.2 (5.3)

Somatic anxietyGroup 1, acupuncture 20.8 (4.6)13.7 (4.6)
Group 2, sham19.9 (4.8)18.7 (5.0)
Group 3, control20.0 (5.1)19.8 (4.5)

Self-confidenceGroup 1, acupuncture 23.9 (5.6)23.4 (5.5)
Group 2, sham20.0 (5.1)19.8 (4.5)
Group 3, control22.8 (5.0)21.9 (5.1)