Research Article

Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Short Beck Depression Inventory with Iranian Psychiatric Outpatients

Table 4

Factor loadings of BDI-13 in Iranian psychiatric outpatients ().

Beck Depression Short Inventory (BDI-13) items123

(1) Depressed mood/sadness.727.317
(2) Pessimism.816.191
(3) Sense of failure.580.282.380
(4) Lack of satisfaction/dissatisfaction.660.284.099
(5) Guilty feelings.721.141.239
(6) Self-hate/self-dislike.760.229.232
(7) Self-punitive wishes/self-harm.526.561
(8) Social withdrawal.394.737
(9) Indecisiveness.547.637
(10) Distorted body image/self-image.145.212.805
(11) Work inhibition/work difficulty.141.878.010
(12) Fatigability.184.692.055
(13) Loss of appetite.227.407.168
% of variance38.2614.2410.02
% of total variance62.53

Component transformation matrix
(1) Affective (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7).78.36.50
(2) Somatic (items 11, 12, and 13).93
(3) Cognitive/Loss of Functioning (items 8, 9, and 10).00.84