Research Article

The Effect of Ethnic Variation on the Success of Induced Labour in Nulliparous Women with Postdates Pregnancies

Table 1

Total sample characteristics ().


Mother’s age at delivery (years), mean (SD)27.2 (6.2)
 White1568 (95.8)
 Black26 (1.6)
 Asian42 (2.6)
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)26.7 (5.7)
 Nonsmoker (never)911 (57.0)
 Current smoker169 (10.6)
 Previous smoker519 (32.5)
Presence of meconium
 No1285 (78.8)
 Yes345 (21.2)
Use of an epidural
 No1085 (66.3)
 Yes551 (33.7)
Route of birth
 Caesarean section delivery399 (24.4)
 Vaginal route1237 (75.6)
  Normal vaginal delivery1073 (86.7%)
  Instrumental delivery164 (13.2%)
Fetal gender
 Female781 (47.7)
 Male855 (52.3)
Birth weight, mean (SD)3709.2 (430.8)
Head circumference at birth (cm), mean (SD)35.5 (1.4)
Apgar score at 1 minute, mean (SD)8.3 (1.6)
Apgar score at 5 minutes, mean (SD)9.6 (0.9)
Cord gases taken at delivery, arterial pH, mean (SD)7.23 (0.08)
Cord gases taken at delivery, venous pH, mean (SD)7.28 (0.07)
Admitted to NNU
 No1319 (95.8)
 Yes58 (4.2)