Research Article

The Alterations of Biofilm Formation and EPS Characteristics of a Diatom by a Sponge-Associated Bacterium Psychrobacter sp.

Figure 4

Activities against diatom biofilm formation by bacterium Psychrobacter sp. with different portions. The numbers of 7 : 3 or 5 : 5 indicate the volume ratios with which diatom Stauroneis sp. in suspension was mixed with the supernatant or cells suspension in the fresh culture medium. The inhibiting ratios (R) were calculated after 24 h incubations. Triplicates were tested for each treatment and control, and the means and standard deviations are shown as columns and bars, respectively. Significance was tested for each treatment separately. Same/different letters above the bars indicate no/a statistical difference in determination by one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) followed by LSD test (), respectively.