Research Article

The Alterations of Biofilm Formation and EPS Characteristics of a Diatom by a Sponge-Associated Bacterium Psychrobacter sp.

Figure 5

Variation amplitude for monosaccharides in EPS of diatom Stauroneis sp. treated by supernatant crude extract of Psychrobacter sp. SL-EPS and F-TB-EPS were prepared from the suspension phase of the treated diatom Stauroneis sp. culture, and BF-LB-EPS and BF-TB-EPS were prepared from the biofilm phase. Based on the HPLC profiles of samples and standard monosaccharides, the correction factors (f1/2), molar ratios (R1/2), and mole percentages were calculated. The amplitude of variation (%) for each monosaccharide in an EPS fraction was calculated as the variation (mole percentages) between the treatment and control divided by the mole percentage in the control.