Research Article

Amplicon-Based Analysis of the Fungal Diversity across Four Kenyan Soda Lakes

Figure 1

Distribution of OTUs at the class level across the 33 samples analyzed in this study. BW, EW, and SW denote water samples from Bogoria, Elmenteita, and Sonachi, respectively; BWS, EWS, MWS, and SWS denote wet sediment samples from Bogoria, Elmenteita, Magadi, and Sonachi, respectively; EDS and SDS denote dry sediments from Elmenteita and Sonachi, respectively; BM and EM denote microbial mats from Bogoria and Elmenteita, respectively, while MBR and MSC denote brine and salt crust from Magadi; BGS, EGS, and SGS denote grassland soils from Bogoria, Elmenteita, and Sonachi, respectively.