Research Article

Does Faeces Excreted by Moxidectin-Treated Sheep Impact Coprophagous Insects and the Activity of Soil Microbiota in Subtropical Pastures?

Table 3

Colony forming units (CFU g−1 soil) of bacteria, actinobacteria, and fungi in soil with dried faeces treated with moxidectin, responding to increasing concentrations of MOX in the faeces over time, in pot experiments performed under greenhouse conditions.

MicrobeMOX concentrations (ng g−1 soil)Period of incubation (days)(1) value(2)
01.97.515377507142128TPT × P

Bacteria (×108)2.902.702.682.852.423.146.21a2.38b2.44b1.38c1.43c0.161<0.010.992
Actinobacteria (×108)2.262.923.332.682.223.196.52a2.10b2.25b1.66bc1.40c0.101<0.010.963
Fungi (×104)<0.010.997

(1)Means followed by different lowercase letters in the same row within the same category differ () by Tukey’s test. (2)T: value for the effects of treatment in the orthogonal test. P: value for the effect of periods. T × P: values indicate that there was no effect of the interaction between treatments and periods. Therefore, only the means due to individual factors (MOX concentrations or period of incubation) are shown.